GCC – the Galileo Control Center – that’s not one building, as it looks like – that’s two, one built on top of the other: – the complete technical program, the control rooms, hundred of computer racks, the clockworks, the laboratories, the storerooms – all that occupies the big basement- and ground floor areas; all the rest, the offices around the central hall with auditorium, café and visitors galleries, information and security, all that is set free behind the curved glass façade that opens up the GCC to the DLR-compound.
Two buildings in one, suited to the hierarchy of the security system, opened to a public well adjusted to a project of European dimension … but sheltering all delicate spaces against any kind of interference: – the central hall with its inserted towers, the row of service-cores screening and involving the galleries behind, the u-shaped crescent of offices.
‘il si muove’ – he’s right, the patron of this ambitious space-program that Europe has put on its flag – ‘and she moves yet, our mother earth’ – a touch of these dynamic forces should radiate too from this control center near Munich, – with a spacial suggestion of Galilean contradiction, a silent move, heavy in material, displaying the lightness of stone, cast stone, glowing in the light.
82234 Weßling
Satellite control center
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Köln
Schultes Frank Architekten
Frank Schultes Witt
Axel Schultes Charlotte Frank
Christoph Witt
Laabs Lobeck Schuldes
Kahl Bauer Timm
2005 – 2008 2013
1.814 m²
6.065 m²
24.300 m³
3.065 m²
10 m
16 m
reinforced concrete fair-faced concrete
aichner-kazzer Architekten
Schlaich Bergermann und Partner
IB Rückert
R+R Fuchs Ingenieurbüro für Fassadentechnik
HL-PP Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Ingenieurbüro Axel C. Rahn
Kersken + Kirchner
Ingenieurbüro Axel C. Rahn
Keller & Damm Landschaftsarchitekten Stadtplaner
Henning Koepke